Andrew Z Fire dan Dr. Craig Mello
Peraih Nobel Kesehatan 2006
Andrew Z Fire (47) dari Departments of Pathology and Genetics Stanford University School of Medicine dan Dr. Craig Mello (45) asal Harvard University dianugerahi Nobel bidang Kedokteran. Penganugerahan diumumkan Komite Nobel di Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Swedia, Senin (2/10). Dua ilmuwan asal Amerika Serikat itu diganjar Nobel karena temuannya mengenai metode pengendalian arus informasi genetik dianggap brilian. Metode ini juga menjadi acuan penelitian untuk mengobati sejumlah penyakit mematikan baik yang berkaitan dengan gen dan virus seperti Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) maupun kanker.
John Sulston (b 1942), Cambridge, England, mapped a cell lineage where every cell division and differentiation could be followed in the development of a tissue in C. elegans. He showed that specific cells undergo programmed cell death as an integral part of the normal differentiation process, and he identified the first mutation of a gene participating in the cell death process.
Robert Horvitz (b 1947), Cambridge, MA, USA, has discovered and characterized key genes controlling cell death in C. elegans. He has shown how these genes interact with each other in the cell death process and that corresponding genes exist in humans.
Peraih Nobel Fisika Tahun 2006
John C Mather dan George F Smoot
Komite Nobel Swedia di Stockholm, Selasa (3/10), kembali memberi penghargaan Nobel kepada John C. Mather (60)dan George F. Smoot (61), ilmuwan asal Amerika Serikat yang berprestasi di bidang Fisika. Mather (60 tahun) adalah peneliti pada Pusat Penerbangan Luar Angkasa atau NASA di Maryland. Sementara George F. Smoot (61 tahun) adalah peneliti pada Laboratorium Nasional Barkeley, California. Komite Nobel Swedia menilai Mather dan Smoot layak menerima Nobel karena karya mereka soal asal mula alam semesta serta obvervasi yang dilakukan, berperan besar dalam perkembangan kosmologi moderen.
"for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction"
David J. Gross, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of California
Santa Barbara, CA, USA, b. 1941
H. David Politzer, California Institute of Technology
Pasadena, CA, USA, b. 1949
Cambridge, MA, USA, b. 1951
Masatoshi Koshiba, born 1926 (76 years), in Toyohashi , Aichi, Japan (Japanese citizen). PhD 1955 at the University of Rochester, New York, USA. Professor Emeritus at the International Center for Elementary Particle Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan.
Riccardo Giacconi, born 1931 (71 years), in Genoa, Italy (US citizen). PhD 1954 at the University of Milan. President of Associated Universities, Inc., Washington, DC, USA.
Perain Nobel Kimia Tahun 2006
Roger D Kornberg
Koichi Tanaka, born 1959 (43 years) in Toyama City, Japan (Japanese citizen). B. Eng at Tohoku University, Japan. R&D Engineer at Shimadzu Corp., Kyoto, Japan.
Kurt Wüthrich, born 1938 (64 years) in Aarberg, Switzerland (Swiss citizen). PhD in Inorganic chemistry 1964 at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Professor in Biophysics at ETH Zürich, Switzerland and Visiting Professor at the Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, California, USA.